Natal Day: The day I descended on this Mother Earth
After lying low and bedridden for a week with temperature, had all the time in the world to ponder over the year goneby and I realized again I had done nothing special to feel exceptional but such is this important day that makes you feel and act "SPECIAL", albeit if you are not!
I invited my buddies for the celebration and the weather looks hopelessly beautiful ,I am afraid they ll all make it...DAMN..The day I was born nothing epochal happened just another baby birth like Jesus and the only differnce I can think of is I was born in a hospital...
During my laziness or illness, there were hundred of thoughts which were erupting in my mind :
One of them was the turmoil which I had gone through in completing the Graduation was not worth at all after I see Maria Sharapova, a barely 18 year old, raking in millions or Britney spears a millionaire many times over for just belting out "oops I did it again !!!" ....And what about the college dropouts Bill Gates and Larry Ellison no certified degree and they are the richest in the world!!
So does it make sense to spend Four important years in graduating out of Engineering College? All those sleepless nights I spent burning the midnight oil and more Nights stressing about the result now I come to think of it I would be better off playing a game like Tennis or just singing the blues!!
So does Good education really helps ...I am unable to fathom ...
I invited my buddies for the celebration and the weather looks hopelessly beautiful ,I am afraid they ll all make it...DAMN..The day I was born nothing epochal happened just another baby birth like Jesus and the only differnce I can think of is I was born in a hospital...
During my laziness or illness, there were hundred of thoughts which were erupting in my mind :
One of them was the turmoil which I had gone through in completing the Graduation was not worth at all after I see Maria Sharapova, a barely 18 year old, raking in millions or Britney spears a millionaire many times over for just belting out "oops I did it again !!!" ....And what about the college dropouts Bill Gates and Larry Ellison no certified degree and they are the richest in the world!!
So does it make sense to spend Four important years in graduating out of Engineering College? All those sleepless nights I spent burning the midnight oil and more Nights stressing about the result now I come to think of it I would be better off playing a game like Tennis or just singing the blues!!
So does Good education really helps ...I am unable to fathom ...